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Why RDX Sports? Huge Marketing Budgets
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If BJJ is your calling, then clade your warrior sprite in the best BJJ Gis money can buy. Our high grade 100% cotton BJJ Uniform is perfect for training and competition use. Available in the classic White, Black and Blue in A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 sizes. Made of the finest, ultra-light pearl weave fabric to give you the ultimate comfort during training or fight. All RDX Sports BJJ Kimonos are preshrunk, so you will never have to worry about your BJJ Gis shrinking after every wash. The lightweight cotton is excellent for sweat dispersion and keeping you dry and odor free. Request details about our Trade Program by filling in the form above and our account managers will get back to you.
Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Belts are available in A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 sizes in traditional black, blue, white, purple and brown colors. Our judo BJJ belts are developed and improved while still maintaining the traditional GI belt design and requirements. Suitable for men, women, and kids alike, with durable stitching that lasts for years. Made of preshrunk 100% cotton so you can wash them without working about your BJJ belt becoming too small for you. Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu belt are designed to avoid constant readjusting so you can focus completely on training. Jiu Jitsu is an intense sport involving rigorous grappling and fighting. Our belts are made to withstand this stress and pressure, so fighters can focus on their performance, instead of keeping their belt in place.
Wholesale Fitness Gear
Wholesale Gym Gloves
Wholesale Gym Belts
Wholesale Gym Wear
Wholesale Skipping Ropes
Wholesale Fitness Training Sandbags
Wholesale Medicine Exercise Balls
Wholesale Weighted Vests
Wholesale Pull Up & Dip Bars
Wholesale Weightlifting Grips, Straps & Arm Blasters
Wholesale Ab Straps & Triceps Ropes
Wholesale Gym Kit Bags
Wholesale Sauna Sweat Suits
Wholesale Gym T-Shirts & Vests
Wholesale Kettlebells
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