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RDX Sports New Distributor Partners Round Up - December 2022

Written by Matt Colt | 17-Jan-2023 15:47:15

RDX Sports provides unmatchable quality combat sports and fitness gear to over 5000 partners across the globe. Offering gains with great margins and more, once you sign up with us, you’re Team RDX!

Here's to the distributor who joined Team RDX in December

RDX Sports is delighted to welcome aboard Neramo Distribution SRL, Romania

Neramo Distribution SRL specialize in the distribution and retailing of Combat Sports and Training equipment. Neramo Distribution SRL supplies high-quality fitness equipment with the best unmatchable prices. Their main goal is to provide their customers with the best experience while they work out by providing them with the best quality equipment and gear.
Their core values include being transparent and authentic, showing professionalism and improving their overall services so that they may lead the industry with their unparalleled expertise.


We look forward to many years of successful partnership with mutual growth!