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Important Factors To Consider When Purchasing Gym Equipment

By Tracey Heinz


John Ruskin said “Quality is never an accident. It is a result of intelligent effort." 

This is a wise counsel from which many gym owners can benefit. When you head out to purchase your gym equipment, you must keep in mind that no comprises should be made on quality.

Quality Comes First


Often we hear about new gym owners acquiring their equipment from second-hand market. Second hand market!

Purchasing equipment whose quality you are doubtful about and possibly needs repairs, is a big mistake a new gym owner can make in setting up a business.

Overcome Out-of-Order Problem


It’s not easy to assess how much your equipment investment pays you back but if your gym machines are constantly out of order, then there is no doubt that your brand is being negatively portrayed, communicating to your clients – this gym has a problem.

If you are reluctant to get your machines fixed quickly, another message is being conveyed to your customers – the center lacks infrastructure.

You can prevent these issues from occurring in the first place by purchasing quality equipment. This has two-fold benefits. First, new equipment may not be as expensive as you perceive it to be. Secondly, brand new, quality machines would create a positive impact on your customers.

Gym Machinery Matters

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The reason why many exercisers consider joining a particular gym over others is because of the machinery that’s available there. This alone is a solid reason you should invest in high quality equipment.

Though there might be some heavy tags with your brand new equipment, it can certainly help you from sleepless nights and compensate you for your investment  with the insurance that would come along.

The Process Of Purchasing – New vs. Used


The most important question gym owners come across while choosing gym equipment is whether they want to get refurbished equipment or new machinery for their gym.

There is no denying that purchasing new equipment can stretch your budget a little; however, there are profound benefits in getting new products for your fitness center. The price also includes a warranty that helps you maintain your investment in the long run. This is can also get you occasional support from your fitness company, which is part of the package. Get your staff trained on how to properly use the equipment, while designing fitness and wellness programs incorporating your machinery, and achieve higher membership rates. 

Purchasing new equipment means you are getting latest products for your members from the market. Your consumers would want to look at your fitness center as the only place offering best of fitness technology. Sending this message would bring great success to your business, as it would develop the feelings of trust amongst your clients.

On the other hand, getting refurbished fitness equipment means you are keeping your budget within control. With the rising competition in fitness industry, there are many gym and clubs which have closed their business operations, giving an opportunity to new gym owners to get almost new equipment at lower rates.

If you face budget constraints and are considering purchasing used equipment then it’s essential that you conduct a thorough research on all the suppliers of used equipment so that quality is not compromised. Try maintaining a good relationship with these suppliers, as they can be of mammoth help in getting the right for value for your money spent.


Buying vs. Leasing


When you have decided which equipment you want for your gym, it’s time to decide whether you want to make the purchase or lease it. Both options have their own distinct pros and cons and you should carefully analyze which decision suits you best depending upon your gym’s needs and your budget.

Leasing gym machinery can save you from incurring heavy costs while keeping the quality of your gym intact. You don’t need to worry endlessly about paying upfront for your equipment. Rather you can work your way around by coming at payment solution that compliments your cash flow. With this burden off your shoulders, you can focus more on providing a high quality experience to members using your newly-acquired equipment.

Another added advantage of getting leased products is that you notch up the product occasionally providing your clients with best of gym experience. Unlike the machinery that you purchase by paying upfront, leasing allows you to replace or upgrade the equipment whenever there is new version of the product in the market. This comes as a great opportunity for gym owners to provide their clients with latest technology and the most recent trends, enriching their workout experience. Latest equipment also means lesser maintenance costs and happy staff and customers.

Paying upfront for your gym purchases can be cheaper than making payments over the course of few years. After making full payment, you rightfully own the equipment and can sell it anytime the need be. Most of the times gym owners who purchase their equipment develop a steady cash flow overtime and can consider purchasing new equipment without hurting their budget much.

Cater For Needs Not Wants  

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Many gym owners purchase their equipment because they want to. However, what’s important for you to purchase your machinery is that you must need it. There is a huge difference between wanting and needing, and most of the times, fitness club owners are not able to differentiate between the two. Important factors to consider before making the leap are:

Consider Your Financial Constraints

The first question that you need to ask yourself is that can you afford purchasing the equipment? Once you are clear on what you “need” to purchase, you can turn your focus on funding your purchase.

Be Informed About The Trends

According to a study conducted by American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 2016, a prevalent fitness trend was integration of technology into gyms and fitness clubs.

Successful gym owners keep an eye for the happening trends, applying them when appropriate, and customizing them on the suggestions from their members and staff.

By following above-mentioned points you will be to assess whether you need to purchase your gym equipment or lease it.

Good luck with your gym sales!

Tags: Gyms & Clubs

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